Yesterday a rabbit...

today a HARE! At last! I've been trying to capture a hare all year, but never managed it. Today I spotted one running right towards me. I'd scrambled from one field to another through some thick hedgerow and spotted him in the distance up against the same side of the hedgerow. Mr K and Alfred were still in the other field, walking along their side and they must have scared the hare who ran right towards me! It's not the best of shots, but a hare is a hare and I'm satisfied! :-)

AND it's 22 degrees, sun and blue sky! I've ordered some bluebell seeds for our balcony. I've heard they take at least three years to flower from seed, and would have ordered bulbs, but Amazon don't ship them to Germany so I had to settle for seed. Nothing ventured, nothing gained... But three years!?! :-)

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