
By BrownBuddy1


Well, we went to our new "Tricks Class" last night and I'm not sure it's for me or Bud for that matter. The tricks we were supposed to learn were

1. Play Dead
2. Wash your face
3. Beg

Well to start with no way was Bud going to lie down perfectly still being dead, he was as high as a kite with excitement and anticipation of a good play with the other dogs then a feast of all the treats he could smell in my pocket. Failure.

The second trick involved me placing a hair scrunchie, no I didn't know what it was either, on his nose and he pawing it off to simulate washing his face. So I put it on, he pleaded with his eyes " please remove this piece of torture" I took it off immediately. Failure.

For the third trick "begging" I held a treat above his nose out of reach. Bud was supposed to jump up on his hind legs to get it, but I have just spent weeks teaching him not to jump up, so he didn't. Failure again!

I'm not sure what I expected, something more useful I suppose. Games perhaps, things that would help in the Agility Training that Bud so loves. I shall try to find out what other activities we shall be doing in the future weeks before I abandon the classes.

Shall we return next week, neither of us are sure. Poppy is convinced she had the best deal, a pigs ear followed by an evening of sleeping on my husband's lap in peace.

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