Wizarding wonder
One of Britain's greatest actors! Shrug of shoulders.
A founder of Stonewall! Slow shake of head.
Magneto! Slower shrug.
Gandalf??!! Vague sense of recognition but I think the two 18yr olds were being polite.
I was facilitating a workshop at the Stonewall Youth Awards today and Sir Ian McKellen was handing out the awards. A good speech from him, he got emotional. Later when I was chatting to Rosie, the campaigner of the year 2013 he approached us, guided by a benevolent Ambassador.
Somehow instead of shaking hands we were holding hands, for quite a long time. I think he was just having a breather, he's 75 for goodness sakes and he had chatted to and had his picture taken with nearly every young person as well as some not so young.
I didn't get a photo, I didn't ask, but I liked it that when some people who were not connected to the awards asked for a photo he made sure that they knew why he was there, what the event was, that it was important...... he normally charges for photos.
Inspiring day, inspiring young people, inspiring man.
Another good day in the office
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