Because of You

There are times when friends and family have wondered why we are content to invest so much time and energy into maintaining Annie's Cottage. It occupies what would typically be the 'free time' we all need when our other work is done.

Just the atmosphere, stepping into the gate, all filled with flowers and the sound of the waterfall, melt my troubles away. But the very first thing I do, usually, is open the guest book to see if we have a love note from our most recent guest. Today was over the top...look! The Cottage captured a child's imagination so much, that they participated in the guest comments with drawings of the garden...and even put me in a Cinderella carriage! Check out the little Cottage inside the heart! A big, huge 'YOU'RE WELCOME!' from us! Yep, this is why we do it :-) We love, love, love to know, by God's grace, we've created a getaway that will wash the stresses of life away for awhile.

It's just so sweet, here's what their whole note said, "Thank you sooo very much Annie & Paul for sharing your BEAUTIFUL home with us. From the moment we stepped foot through the door, we could see how well cared for it is. Despite the off and on rain, it was still a very relaxing getaway...away from the hustle & bustle of city life. Always love what Oregon has to offer. Loved introducing our little one to Laurel & Hardy. (One of the oldie videos in the cottage selection)
Thanks for helping make my B'Day week a memorable one! Husbo enjoyed the opportunity to crab with the locals! hope to come back soon! :-)
What a BEAUTIFUL home you have!" There were side notes that said, "Loved listening to the rain against the window sills!" "Great home away from home!" "Loved the small town feel from Bandon to Florence"

Gosh, I just feel all giddy thinking about it. I'll be happy to clean it again for the next guests! Hooray for beautiful humans to share the joy of life with! Especially my lovely Contraptioneer who loves to aim his camera at things that amuse him. Blush...

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