
By LadyFindhorn

Snowy Trees

This was the most beautiful morning. There had been about an inch of snow overnight which was enough not to disrupt our activities, but just the amount needed to render the scenery stunning, especially when the sun rose and glanced across the snow lying in Holyrood Park.
The trees and grasses had a lacy effect with the frosted snow while the roofs looking over to the Old Town were clear and white.
On the hill, the Queen's Drive was empty of cars and only the odd jogger and dog walker disturbed the fresh snow. I seemed to have the whole place to myself and could imagine I was in a wilderness of whiteness.
I took so many photographs that when I got home it was virtually impossible to chose the one I wanted to post. In the end I stuck with my favourite topic - bare winter trees. So this blip is of the Trees on Prestonfield Golf Course which I blipped earlier this month in the frost. I find them so delicate in their frosted finery against the white expanse of the golf course with its snowed in bunkers and smooth untramelled greens.

This lunch time my big cousin came over from Fife to see us. He's my big cousin because he's very tall and also older than me. I have 2 cousins and a brother who are well over 6' tall while I, the only girl in that generation got the knee-high-to-a-grasshopper genes. Not I may add the ballerina ones either but the short and stocky ones, suitable I would guess for howking about sacks of potatoes on my back. A great shame!

We had our usual yearly pre Christmas chat mostly about family affairs, but punctuated by stories of National Service and how the world is going to Hell in a Handcart. The sort of thing that men of a certain age like to discuss!
But it was all lighthearted and in the end we were just thankful that we were still around as the alternative is too ghastly to contemplate.

All things considered it was a very good day and it's now only 3 sleeps until Christmas and no- present day. I can hardly wait........

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