Yellow and Green

Went to visit Adrian and Anna this morning in their 'new' home. It was lovely to see them.
Stopped on the way back to get this photo. I had made a mental note of the best rape seed fields on my way there. This tree instantly caught my eye and although I took a number of other shots, this one was still my favourite.
It seemed to be my day for getting caught behind slow moving vehicles! On the way there it was a tractor doing 25mph, on the way back it was a heavy lorry which managed to reach 40mph on the flat but as soon as it hit a hill we were back to 25mph!!!
Met Trina for an afternoon coffee when I got back at BL of course. It was good to catch up.
This evening was spent watching the first part of the mini series 'The Bible'. Just four of us but we quite enjoyed it and got quite a good discussion about feminism from it!!!

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