View from my window

By skiesnsunsets

Busy day

One of those days where I sort of bit off more than I could chew! I had the bright idea of defrosting the kitchen freezer, mainly because the drawers kept getting stuck. It was worse than we thought and I ran out of space in the other freezer to put the stuff in that was in the kitchen freezer so we ended up with a drawer wrapped in towels. Of course when we'd finished we then had to sort the freezers out again and make sure only really frozen stuff like packs of mince went in the freezer we'd cleaned. What a job and now I remember why I don't do it that often!

In between all that we managed to buy a new (well, secondhand) computer for his nibs from our son in law's friend; sorted out masses of stamps (we're downsizing our collection); and cooked delicious drop scones for tea.

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