And I'll show you all the photographs...

When I started Blip over four years ago...we had been trying to find Boy a place at a college in America for just over six months, with little success; within a couple of months of starting, he had accepted an offer and we were running around trying to pull together enough money to get him over there.

We hoped that if he had a year at a Uni in America,that would be a chance that not many people would get. If we managed any more it would be a bonus.

Well, next Saturday, he graduates - he's got his mortar board and tassels ready along with his gown.

I can't actually believe we made it.

Four whole years.

Four whole years, of learning. playing, worrying, laughing, loving, travelling, experiencing, and living.

And now, he has the rest of his amazing life ahead of him - no fixed plans yet, but an idea and hope.

And because this adventure started with an idea, and we just hoped that he would get something great out of it... I know that he know has the vision to get wherever he wants to go.

Ain't life grand!

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