Party, Party

Grace and Ophelia had their ballet lessons this morning. Then we all went home for a bit until Hubby got back from work. In the afternoon, Ophelia and Arwen had a friend's birthday party to go to. They loved the disco and balloons and played happily with their friends. I left Ophelia there, to be watched over and taken home later by a friend, whilst I went home to drop off Arwen and collect Grace to take to another birthday party. It was her 'boyfriend' Sam's party. The two of them are just very good friends actually, but they have always said they will marry each other one day and are obviously fond of each other. It's sweet. The kids went bowling first and then to soft play. Tonight, after the girls were in bed, I walked up to a 40th birthday gathering in the village for a big of girly chat. Busy day but lots of fun :)

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