And that will be heaven, by Evangeline Paterson

The 46th - and last - poem - I will miss them; it's been a good experience, especially sharing it with my sister - so helped process the loss of our Mum - grateful for the journey...

and that will be heaven

and that will be heaven
at last... the first unclouded
seeing stand like the sunflower
turned full face to the sun... drenched
with light... in the still centre
held... while the circling planets
hum with an utter joy

... seeing and knowing
at last... in every particle
seen and known... and not turning

...never turning away

(there aren't meant to be all those dots, but can't make Blip leave gaps)

Tulips in my garden - not a sunflower - but fully open to the snatches of sun we had today, holding nothing back, as in this poem. It will be heaven when my straying heart at last holds still...

Tinged with sadness, as son (and girlfriend) left for Uni again, but good to have had the family complete for these days.

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