From the North

By Tawastian

Brian's funeral

Brian was the father of my godmother and the husband of my great aunt. He was a lovable and hard-working Dane, who enjoyed the little things in life and calmly took what life had to offer. He loved to take long walks in the forest, because, as he said it himself, "There are no forests like these in Denmark". In addition, he really absolutely enjoyed good food, grilling and fine cigarettes.

Born in Frederiksberg, Denmark in 1949 he first came to Finland in 1969, then married a Finnish woman, got three kids, moved to Finland permanently in 1975, learned the Finnish language and made his career as a farm worker. Life wasn't this easy back then, but I never heard him complain - not even when he suffered from throat cancer, which was fatal to him. Perhaps, as they say, the good really die first.

Today we had the honour to lay him to rest amongst spruces and pines he loved so much. The day was mild and sunny. A good day to say goodbye.

Rest in peace, Brian - knowing you was an absolute honour

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