
By ComfNumb

Stars, hide my fires

I had forgotten that i could spend such a day like today.
Walking around the city, with friends and fam, enjoying the sun and the air. Lovely people all over around athens downtown despite the late afternoon rain.
It was one of these days that u just dont wanna go home. We extended our stay being ingenious and relaxed with our choices.
Athens by night is just beautiful. Dark, cruel, sensitive, unique.
Let ur self free to feel relieved, to receive the city's stimulations.
Let the sounds and the images spread through ur mind. Visualize ur inner self being in harmony with the world.
And what about this strange kind of love?

Yeap. Got some nighty shots but only a coupld of them meant something for me. Not good photos but it is definitely ok. At least, i felt the beauty of watching the nighty world through my lens.

what about these wooden creations in the photo? each one of them so special.
The man sold them under Acropolis.
And a couple of meters after on, this man with his harmonium, was playing music within the darkness of the night.
He played for us a beautiful, sad and loving old greek song.
listen to it even if you donot understand the lyrics

"Doubt thou the stars are fire;
Doubt that the sun doth move;
Doubt truth to be a liar;
But never doubt I love."

so bad bad bad translation of the lyrics but enough to understand the meaning

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