Fes to Marrakech...

We were up and out early to drive to Marrakech. Yet another hotel pool not put to good use, no time to do much more than eat, sleep and get up and do it all over again. We got our shit together and got on the road to Marrakech where DAA’s wife Fiona was waiting for us to arrive and the dinner with the British Ambassador, Clive Alderton, who is the patron of Education For All.

These are the girls that are helped by the money raised by people like the Fat Dads. One of the girls spoke before the dinner this evening about how her life had changed because she was helped by Education For All and has been through school and into University. It really made me feel proud to be part of something so great that will help so many girls have the same opportunity. The education we receive in the UK is something else we take for granted. The reality is that these girls wouldn’t have the same opportunities to help themselves and their families without the help of the charity.

I can’t even begin to tell you how proud I am of the boys for completing such a massive challenge and raising such a lot of money for charity. The count so far is over £100,000. Not only did they make their target but they’re going past it with the help of their friends and families not to mention you lovely lot! It really is incredible that they’ve cycled over 2,000 miles and even after they’ve reached their destination, they are continuing tomorrow with a final event in Marrakech, 140km up a mountain to show their support for Education For All.

We had dinner with the Ambassador and presented a cheque for £10,000 which we hope will give at least three girls a secondary education and let them go on to university. All of the effort everyone has put into this challenge has been worth it to see the people we’re helping along the way.

I’ve finally caught up with all my blips, sorry for my total lack of commenting but I’ve barely had time to sort through the millions of photos I’ve taken on this epic journey, I’ve done no editing at all and everything is as its come out of the camera. I’ll hopefully get a chance to go through them all when I get home and put an album up on my Facebook page so you can see. In the meantime, there are a few albums on the page along with a link to the Virgin Money Giving page if anyone would like to sponsor us, there’s still time!

Thanks also to Blip who wrote a blog about our journey.

Tomorrow my fabulous Dad is going to drive up the mountain to collect DAA and Douglas Senior after they've done the final leg of the challenge to allow me a little shopping time in Marrakech. I've found the appropriate forfeit for Campbell, he's going to take a trip down memory lane and be my tour guide round the markets. I may even have time for an actual swim before we head to the airport to see the boys off and then start our monster drive back to Malaga to meet Andy who's coming to drive the broom wagon home for us. Dad and I will fly home and get to sleep in our own beds! Hurrah some more!

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