Snips and Snaps


Sitting Ducks

Just downloading a few snaps from this morning's run - fairly slim pickings it has to be said so decided to make a brew. Looked out of the window and saw a huge magpie darting about the garden. Then to my horror saw what he was after. Mother duck and four cute little ducklings were pottering about in the back garden. No idea how they got there as the garden is completely enclosed and we're nowhere near a pond.

The magpie was diving at the ducklings and obviously looking for an early lunch. Ian had popped out so decided to message a couple of folk who I thought may be able to advise, but finally decided had to get them out of the garden where they were err sitting ducks for the magpie. Shepherded them out and across the lane where they headed through a gap in the fence and into the field. Well they've got a better chance of survival there than in my garden. Sigh of relief and a well earned coffee oh and blip sorted : )

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