Morning Coffee

Mushrooms and friend green tomatoes on toast accompanied by perfectly ripe avocado and washed down with freshly ground 'packs a punch' coffee. All felt a bit unnecessarily stressful making it this morning but such is life.

Om Lakini Namaha

I activate my power

Still reading and editing and moving slowly in the right direction.

Managed a 7 minute flat footed squat and only a little bit pins and needlesy when it came to standing up. 14 minutes left to do at some point today.

I've seen a 10k race for life which is very local in July and I'm considering entering it. It would force me to do 20-30 minutes running 3 days a week I reckon which could be good for me now I am in the thinking and reflecting stage of thesis writing? I found out about it because yesterday morning, when taking a break from the market shop, this chap gave me a leaflet as I was sitting at a table eating toast. I'm hoping he didn't give it me because I look out of shape....but then if he did maybe it's a good thing :-)

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