Blackbird Nesting

The latest news on our resident Blackbirds is that two more eggs have hatched today. Both the male and the female have been busy feeding their young.

This is a shot of the female just as she arrived back on the nest with a selection of insects in her beak. When she sees me she just sits on the nest waiting for me to leave the room before she feeds the three chicks. The male Blackbird is extremely timid when he visits the nest.

When I was taking this shot I could see the insects were still alive, as they were wriggling about in the Blackbirds beak.

It is very difficult to get shots of the chicks at the moment, as they all cuddle up together in the nest. I have started to post some more images on my Blipfolio of the chicks. I will update this as the chicks start to grow.

This could take over my life for the next couple of weeks, so hope you don't get bored with my shots of the Blackbirds.

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