It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Field Of Gold....

Rape...not really gold but beautifully vibrant!
Besisdes I cant think what else to call it. Taken from a lay by as Garri and I drove home after visiting fellow Blipper Quod Oculus Meus Videt whom I have just bought a couple of goodies off ;-)
Camera goodies obviously.
This blip wasn't taken with the lens I bought as I couldn't get all the tree in with that one lol.

Busy day as I'm in work tonight. Have felt ill all day as I have a nasty pain from my neck to my back and after returning home and trying to do my blip I nearly fainted as I don't think the Co-Dydramol I had taken twice today agreed with me.
Ho hum.

Thanks very much for hoisting Over The Rainbow to the spotlight today.
I am very behind on answering your lovely comments so I'm sorry about that but Ive not felt very well at all so I had a little sleep this evening.

Note: Graham I toned down the rape a bit as I didn't want you saying it was Radioactive ;-) lol

The bikes at Halfords but we didn't have time to get it today so hopefully Garri will pick it up for me tomorrow;-)

Draco The Ill Feeling Dragon xx

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