A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Well it wasn't quite the (semi) traditional Sunday roast that we had last week but it was delicious!

An impromptu decision to go out for lunch after church to celebrate Michele's birthday took us to Tang's where I had my first introduction to genuine Japanese food. Oh so very good and such lovely company :) Thankfully 50% of our table was somewhat more knowledgable than the other 50% which came in very useful when choosing what to eat.

As the Japanese don't seem to 'do' desserts in the way we do, I took the opportunity to introduce Otcheche, Mary & Michele to Mary's Milk Bar. They enjoyed it as much as I do which is good, it means I will have some extra company for the countless trips I will no doubt make over the summer! Who knew that rosemary could work in gelato?! Mix it with lemon curd & it makes quite a clever little combination. One scoop of that with one scoop of white chocolate & cardamom :) yum!

And, of course, if you're at Mary's Milk Bar you're at the bottom of the Vennel. If you're at the bottom of the Vennel you might as well go to the top and catch the castle view that not many tourists ever will.

After all that my afternoon still wasn't finished. So it was off to the Fort to meet Anna for a cuppa, catch-up and the next instalment of Packer's Knowing God. I am very much enjoying that, so far at least, the chapters that have caused me the greatest puzzlement reading by myself have come alive and really 'clicked' when talking them through.

Thankful for such a lovely, lovely day :)

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