In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Scotland the brave

Did an over 300 mile round trip to hand Annabel back to her dad.
The drop of point being Edinburgh, Ikea to be precise.
It gave us the chance to purchase some more parts for the unit that we are putting in the living room.

On the way down we stopped off for lunch at The Horn, where there were quite a few classic cars in the car park and road beside it. Morris Minors, MG's, Austins, a Consul and this modern classic.
I am not sure what it is, but I love the bravery of this Scotsman.
I bet you he will be a 'YES' voter come September.

Congratulations must go to our manager, Derek McKinnes for getting SFPL manager if the year, and to Johnny Hayes for getting goal of the season.
Celtic 's Kris Commons won SFPL player of the season.

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