
By elsie


Only took one photo today. Dylan was pestering me for hours for jobs to do so he could have some money to go to the shop and buy a comic. In the end, he 'helped' me sort through the toys and chose some to go to the nearly new sale with, in return for me bringing him a little something new back. Its hard for a 3 year old to let toys go! All those things he's not touched in about a year suddenly became his favourite things ever. Anyway, we sorted loads and got ready to toddle off to the corner shop. Little did I realise when agreeing to this that it was absolutely throwing it down. We stood in the doorway, rethought our footwear, put on the wellies and headed out. There was of course the obligatory puddle jumping. Lily has to stop at everyone and not only jump in it but put her hands in it and splash so this jaunt took a long time! Dylan chose a spiderman comic with a mask on the front. £3.99 for a comic? ouch. I didn't pay him that much ;-) Curse inflation! Am sure they were pence when i was a kid. Anyway, he's happy, she's happy, i'm happy. We're all soggy though!

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