All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Snowy Deliveries

I was very impressed when I looked out the window this morning to see the poor Postie trudging through the snow up my driveway. I really don't envy him his job in this weather!

Had more cuddles with Ethan today. It's much easier now he's out the incubator as we can pick him up from the cot whenever we want. We didn't time our visits so well today though and missed feeding time, so there was no point trying to breastfeed. The nurses said though that he hadn't been showing any signs of trying to suckle anyway. Will hopefully get a chance to try tomorrow.

The snow is really bad in our street and we think our car may now be stuck in the driveway! Really hope it melts a bit overnight otherwise hubbie may have a big job on his hands tomorrow to dig it out so we can get back to the hospital!

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