Mixed Message

Just as I was thinking we lived in a rather boring place (compared to Berkeley from whence I just returned) we came upon this sign tacked to a telephone in the subdivision where we were walking Ozzie this morning. Not that we found a tarantula wandering about, but if we had should we have phoned or not?

We just said good bye to three oilmen and their wives who came this afternoon for appetizers and an early dinner. OilMan went to the store and cooked a main course--a hearty dish of pork, hominy and home grown kale. (That sounds rather grandiose, but we never actually planted the greens. They were in the garden when we came and we cannot get rid of them! They come up like weeds wherever we have used compost.)
I went back to the store for more appetizers when I heard that they were coming at 2pm.

Everything we made was gone. I think our gathering was a success. While I walked down the street with Ozzie to feed the neighbors' goldfish, Andy, John shoveled as many dishes as he could fit into the dishwasher. I blew a fuse this morning and the tankless water heater was apparently part of the circuit. After some time spent with the installation manual and a flashlight, OilMan got everything going again, so the dishwasher is running and I am going to bed!

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