King Lear (chaos & old age)

Moreton Bay Fig Tree. Chaos & Old Age

After a busy chaotic w/end with coming and goings for different reasons from each member of our family, (which we don't complain about) it's alway nice having them around, we are very lucky.

Our lives seem quite simple compared to Glyn's parents at the moment, they have just sold their family home in the North of England, where they have lived for the last 63 years, they have bought a new home in the South West to live closer to Glyn's older brother and his family, who are busy getting their new home re-decorated ready for their parents to move in.

Both Glyn's parents face a daunting task of packing up their belongings into packing boxes ready for their vacating date the 19th May.
Although Mum & Dad are fit and healthy they are both aged 86 and now entering their twilight years, they are finding the task ahead understandably quite daunting, exciting, and sometimes stressful. (Mum's words)

Glyn can't sit still any longer so this w/end he has booked his flight to go over to lend a helping a hand, he leaves in two weeks time bound for his old home.

We had talked about this day over 32 years ago when we decided to start a new life here in Australia, the answer then was "we will cross that bridge when we come to it" and we have seen them both numerous times in all those years, both here in Perth and back there but now that daunting day is almost here.
Glyn's arrival, I know will bring a calming influence into what seems a chaotic, daunting task for both of them at the moment, although they are doing extremely well and have coped well throughout the whole process of buying and selling, they are now very excited and looking forward to middle sons arrival with a helping hand and some happy distractions.

"Old age and chaos" will this will be us one day? Hopefully we will be as strong as our parents and the "Moreton Bay Fig Tree" and meet the changes and challenges head on, just as our parents are doing now.

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