What number am I now?

In the past week so many people have asked Dexter how old he is (as we were visiting friends and family in the UK). When they asked him when he would be four he replied "on my birthday," which we thought was a great answer! Well today he finally turned four - hurrah!
We had a lovely morning opening presents before having pancakes for breakfast. Then we headed off to the fantastic Pairi Daiza for the day. We visited a couple of years ago and always vowed to go back. Dexter was very keen to see the giraffes, hippos, elephants and kangaroos but it was the new addition of the pandas that made my day. I remember having a cuddly panda as a child and a white dress with a panda on it so I must have been quite keen even then. This panda even seemed to be playing to the camera!
We bumped in to so many people from work, who like us, were taking advantage of the lovely weather and the fact that the Belgian schools were already back to school.

We left at 5pm and both kids fell asleep in the car which was great as it meant that we could bath them when we got home, get changed and then go out for a Birthday meal at a local restaurant.

It really was a lovely day and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did our gorgeous little boy. We love you so much xxx

Dexter one
Dexter two
Dexter three

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