Vive la Vie

By gillybxl

Monkey Madness!

The bouncy castle arrived at 9am this morning and both kids were super excited so were jumping up and down on it like crazy with their dressing gowns on this morning!

Over the last few days we've cleaned, sorted and baked in order to get everything ready for our first 'event' in our new home. We had 28 guests in total, lots of cakes and lots of mess! Dexter was a bit overwhelmed at first when his friends started to arrive but soon got into the swing of things. His birthday party went really well and there were lots of happy children and parents who were very complimentary about our house and party food - I made a pig out of a watermelon to store fruit! Perhaps I'll put a pic in my blip folio. The bouncy castle was also a big hit and yes the adults did have a bounce too!

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