Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Another grey day with highlights

The day has been quite pleasant although rain looked possible in early afternoon. Temperature reached a heady 11c and felt quite muggy in the still air. The brightest colours I could find were a new covering of dandelions and daisies.

Went to Specsavers to use my 50% off voucher on some new gogs. Do these people think we all just fell out of the trees? You go in and buy a pair of glasses and get a free pair. FREE? My ar*e. You don't have a shop in a prime mall location with lots of staff by giving anything free.

Then they give you a voucher to buy a third pair at half price. So my £200 pound glasses cost £100 a pair - actually. Next they sell me my 50% off pair for £100, justifying it by saying my first purchase was £200 and the second pair was for nothing. Really?

So in effect I've just bought 3 pairs of glasses for £300 or £100 a pair. And if I buy contact lenses I get free glasses. And if I buy a hearing aid I get free glasses. And if I look outside in them I can see the Loch Ness monster swimming off the beach and because I'm a good customer they've arranged Sienna Miller to phone me tonight asking again if I'll run away with her to a tropical island for a life of sun, sand and sox.

Yeh. Worevah. Rant over.

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