Kwai Fong

Here's a part of Hong Kong that I have never been to before, just passed through the train station. Kwai Fong is where friend, Roberto, works, and Elizabeth and Roberto invited me to join them for a Maxim's dim sum lunch. I was thrilled to be invited and did join them as I was already in Kowloon.

Started off today with physio, my physiotherapist is going to be away this week and my achy muscles sure will miss her :(. She put needles in my back to relieve some pressure which really helped but as I was carrying my guitar into town to be fixed and so with the burden of carrying that, I feel like I'm back to square one.

Anyway, after physio, headed into town, on another 30C (yes!!!) day to one of my fav places in HK ... Tom Lee, a fabulous music (instruments) store in TST. They kindly fixed my guitar for me for free. My guitar was playing up in church big time yesterday. All fixed now.

Then met up with R&E for lunch, went up quickly to Roberto's office and took this pic from the 29th floor of this bit of Kwai Fong. What a view, I wouldn't get any work done!

Headed out to the flower market with Elizabeth later to buy some flowers for her house as her daughter is arriving first thing tomorrow morning from Toronto after finishing her first year of Uni. We're all excited to have her back for the next few months.

Got pretty exhausted by the end of all that, fun but tiring.

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