living in a glass house

By DandelionTree


2 conversations this morning

Monkey to me- I'm scared of Cleo. I'm scared of the giant. I'm scared of my feet!

Chickpea- The wolf's coming!
Me- Is he? I don't want the wolf to come.
Chickpea- He's not going to get you. You've got bones, we've not.
Monkey- *screams* I'm scared of the wolf!

Anyway, we had a lovely afternoon in Dina and Neil's garden (with Dina and Neil of course, not just in the garden). The kids loved petting the chickens, inspecting an abandoned egg nest, digging and comparing tadpoles, etc, etc. So much to see and do and such a lovely garden on a beautiful sunny afternoon with wonderful company. We even left with some plants, now to find space for them all!

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