
By Fastaperture

Macro Tulip

After much mulling, and with the lure of an in-store Easter cash back plus spring cash back from Canon, I decided to buy the 100 mm macro lens. I have had a lot of fun with it in the garden this afternoon; it is a bit fiddly to start with but I am sure I will get the hang of it. Family members are giving me money towards it for my birthday at the end of the month, so I had better go and re-pack it and wait until then to play with it again.

My blip choice today ranged from a dandelion with a fly, bluebell, clematis, hydrangea and this tulip. I was most pleased with this.

We had a good early walk along the Prom this morning. I feel guilty now that I hurried Santana along as I was intent on walking briskly rather than taking photographs today. It was a really beautiful morning and he got some great shots, though.

I then went to Kendal for a meeting with a friend and purchase of aforesaid lens.

Have a great Monday.

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