Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Back to the motherland

We went back to the village where I grew up today. A lovely place that holds so many special memories for me. I feel so privileged to have had such an awesome childhood and going back makes me feel so nostalgic.

It is of course the annual flower festival at the church which is where most if my childhood happened. Every year my mum and dad used to help organise and run the festival. They did everything from booking the craft stalls, setting it all up, helping with the teas, selling goods and welcoming visitors. My brother and I would race round to the church after school. We loved flower festival time. The church would be buzzing with activity. Coach loads of people would come through the door and everyone would be rushed of their feet. Everyone knew us and we knew everyone.

I used to spend a lot of my time helping the lady who ran the bric-a-brac stall. As a child I thought everything on it was an amazing piece of treasure. It was all so weird and wonderful. I must have spent hours looking at everything. I also think I was probably her best customer and spent a lot of my pocket money on useless items. Joy was her name and she was like a grandma me to me. She still lives nearby but my parents haven't seen her for many years. It would be nice to see her again she was so kind.

Today it was as if time had stood still. The church was still laid out as it always was and all the familiar old faces were there. A little greyer, a little softer round the edges but essentially the same as I remember from years ago. They all welcomed P and A with open arms and exclaimed how much P looks just like me when I was little.

We had a potter round the craft stalls and looked at all the flower displays. This years theme is children's books and P's favourite displays were Goldilocks, Snow White and without a doubt the Gruffalo! Then it was off to the church hall for tea and cake. They were still using the same crockery that they had when I went to play school in the hall. Red with white spots...wow that has done very well to last more than 25 years!

A bit of a long blip today and I could go on and on. So many happy memories in that place. If today has taught me one thing, I hope that P and A can look back on their childhood with the same fondness I have.

I will endeavour to try my best.

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