Seconds Out...

I had an awful journey this morning, I left home at 7.15 am and by 8.25am I still hadn't got very far out of Brighton! There are roadworks on the A23 and the traffic was at a standstill before I even got to the start of them. I phoned Hilary at Head Office to let her know I was likely to be late and she was fine. Luckily I got to the office at 9.25 am, so it wasn't too bad. I was tired though as we were woken up at 2am with a very strange howling sound going on outside which made Louis bark. I got up and looked outside and it was foxes in the road and in next door's garden. I'm not sure if it was the mating cry or if they were fighting, but they were very noisy!

It's been another good day at work, there's a lot to learn but I'm enjoying it - I just hope that by the time I get to the Brighton office next week I'm at least semi-useful! Mick emailed me to see how I'm getting on, which is nice and I'm looking forward to working with him, I think we'll get on fine.

At lunch time I went for a walk in the park. I didn't plan on another squirrel blip, but I spent ages with this little guy who looks like he's in the boxing ring! He thought I'd got something for him, but unfortunately I didn't, so I went to the shop and bought a bag of cashew nuts which went down a treat! All the squirrels came running and were stood on their back legs trying to catch the nuts, one even tried climbing up my leg! I love his red colouring, particularly on his feet.

I also saw some kind of rat - it could have been a water rat I guess as it was quite fat and had a long tail. It was the colour of the squirrels but it definitely wasn't a squirrel, and I didn't have time to take a photo though it scurried away under the bushes.

I'm now back at the same hotel as last week, the receptionist even remembered me and asked if I'd had a good weekend. I unpacked and then went to the nearby foodcourt and had a Chinese which was surprisingly very nice. I'll go again on Wednesday and try out the Indian.

Tomorrow night after work I'm going for Dinner at Sue's (55Daisies) and I'm looking forward to meeting Molly, not forgetting Mackintosh of course! So there's no guesses as to what my blip will be tomorrow :-)

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