As The Sun Was Setting...

I was at my weigh in at weight watchers... Over the last few weeks i have been feeling very down about my weight and i had to wait for that little switch in my head to click in to place! This weekend i knew i was ready to start that long road back to fitness. So this evening i attended my first class and when i wake up in the morning my quest for that little waist line starts all over again.. I was so slim back in 2010 and i aim to get back my 2010 figure. I remember my 2010 figure because that's when i was really happy with myself. I actually liked spotting myself in shop windows or big mirrors now i tend to look away.. I won't be like this for much longer i'm giving myself small goals to achieve and i'm hoping in 7 or 8 weeks to be a stone lighter.. So with the hard work and determination i will do my damnest to achieve it...
I dropped down to the beach before i made my way into the class so felt relaxed before i stepped onto the scales... The sun was beginning to drop and the evening felt very pleasant... ahhhhh life feels good again!!

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