
By Chook

The Night Before...

Quick blip tonight. Festive-ish photo with a too-shallow depth of field, but I'm not fussed today...

About to pack my gear and head to Pascoe, where I'll stay the next couple of days and hopefully enjoy some of the festivities in between working and sleeping.

To continue the Christmas-y theme, I think work tonight will bring*...

Twelve hikes up and down the stairs
Eleven calls to emergency
Ten minutes break
Nine offers of Christmas food (of the rubbishy night shift chips and chocolate variety, not the nice prawns/crayfish/turkey etc variety)
Eight calls to deliveries
Seven stressed out parents
Six (-ty-seven) questions of 'will we be home for Christmas?'
Five vomiting children
Four jaundiced babies
Three asthma attacks
Two IV cannulae
One sleepy doctor

And hopefully no partridge in a pear tree.
Merry Christmas all.

*Apologies to all writers of good Christmas ditties...

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