
By acr83

Serves 2

This recipe is clearly wrong. I got it into two bowls and we only felt a little bit sick when we were done. Definitely serves two :)

Today was long, wet and challenging.

My head cold has got worse and my husband kindly offered to go and get me some lemsip to help me feel better. When I got it, the box said to check with your doctor before taking it if you're pregnant. I texted the midwife and she said I can't have it. So instead I've had about 5 lozenges, Vicks vaporub both on my chest and in a mug to inhale the steam and I've used some nasal spray which my midwife approved. Hopefully this combo will get me a good nights sleep. I did well last night. Fingers crossed!

And the wet part...
Christchurch is flooded again today. Old news now. It seems to happen about every 10 days. My husbands photo for today shows the view from the park to our house today (he stayed home to monitor the flooding). Here it is.

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