A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

The Incredible Journey

Well, two years ago today I never thought I would be here.

I did not for one moment imagine I would have 730 photographs under my belt without missing a single day.

When I ventured out into the cold Scottish spring to take that first photograph of the trees, with the contours of the field that appealed so much, and to which I returned many times, little did I know what it would all lead to.

When I accepted the challenge to come to Spain at blip number 200, I never dreamed that I would now be living on the beach with my lovely Jacqui.

It has been an incredible journey over the past two years and I love to browse back through my journal and recall the events that have shaped them.

My little collage starts at blip 1, and journeys through 100, 200, 300, 365, 400, 500 and 600 to today.

To me, that is what blip is: a diary with photos to illustrate the entries. Not a showcase of fantastic photography, although occasionally I manage something pleasing.

So I shall attempt to continue. As always, a heart-felt thank you to anyone who bothers to take a look, and especially to those who star or comment. I am afraid I am not very good at that myself. I really must try to be better!

To the future. Onwards and upwards.

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