Wet Dry Sunny Rainy

By eubers

Road Trip

I was helping a friend move furniture to a house in Aberfeldy which they have bought
It was originally supposed to be on Monday but the snow put paid to that. So rescheduled to Tue.
'Oh there's not that much stuff' said his wife; I have seen Sardines with more wriggle space than there was in that van
The views on the way up were fantastic but I was driving and we were men on a mission so no photo ops were taken.
However, the job was done with no mishaps. I had planned to fill the van with logs on the way back, but the van was too narrow to get the bucket of the loader in so the opportunity was lost.
I snapped this one out of the van window on the A9 south just before the windscreen wipers packed in and the snow started. Not a pleasant last 40 miles!

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