
Today started off dull and wet, so any outside work was out of the question. There were plenty of things intended to happen today, so various activities were curtailed, whilst waiting for these to happen. Eventually, mid-afternoon, the builder and some of his equipment turned up, ready for starting work in the morning. By this time I was checking out my CF18 Toshiba (Panasonic) Toughbook, which is old enough to function with most of my test equipment, to ensure that all parts were functioning correctly; the picture shows the device manager screen with not one warning flag in sight. All of the installed software and systems are therefore functioning correctly. The Toshiba Toughbook was a laptop that was designed for very rugged field usage and is as near to indestructible as any computer can reasonably be, it is therefore perfect for use with electronic test equipment that needs to be computer controlled. As all of my test equipment is now somewhat long in the tooth, it still tends to require serial and parallel connections, which are not available on modern day computers, hence this machine.

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