The Sir John Barrow Monument above Ulverston
To Barrow this morning. On the way there I stopped at Greenodd, hoping to get a blip. And then again in nearby Ulverston on the way home. To reflect my bright mood today, I've chosen this image of the monument which stands on a hill above Ulverston, taken on the latter occasion. Its local name is the Hoad Monument, after the hill. Its more formal name, the Sir John Barrow Monument, commemorates a local boy made good in the early 19th century.
An informative leaflet issued by the Town Council records that Barrow for long held high rank in the Admiralty and 'promoted British exploration, official and semi-official, most notably of West Africa and the North Polar Region'. After his death in 1848, his achievements were commemorated by this tower, built by public subscription. Its design is modelled on the earlier Eddystone Lighthouse but it has never had a functional light. Internal stairs climb to the lantern chamber, and the leaflet tells the reader that it can be visited when the flag on Hoad Hill is flying, usually on Sundays and Bank Holidays between Easter and October.
I've not climbed its 112 narrow steps but I expect that the views across Morecambe Bay and into the Lakes will be good.
And now to the kitchen.
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