Hot and Sunny Christmas

Can't imagine how the year can almost be done once more! Time surely flies when you're having fun!! :-)

My Christmas Wishes were said yesterday, but it does not seem like all my friends saw it, so, here goes guys!! ;-)

I've decided on a full 'backyard pic' for you all today, seeing that a few requested a pic of the pool, and because I wanted to try to show you how fiercely the sun shines here at almost 17:00 (5 pm) in midsummer!

This is the back of the house, I've blipped the front at other occasions. You will notice the garden is still vérrry young, trees are small and most of the flowers were behind me, thus not in the picture! The Braai area (BBQ) is at the very left and the small building with red tiled roof behind it is Lillian's quarters.

Hope all of you will have a stunning day tomorrow and a lovely weekend!

Lovies from a sunny South Africa!

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