
By WharfedaleBex

Frozen in time

We attempt to park at the hospital on the ground floor so L doesn't have to face steps on the way home. With a tendency to get a bee in my bonnet, this sometimes means a queue of cars behind us as I wait for someone who looks like they're leaving. At this point, L sinks lower & lower into the passenger seat, cringing but laughing while I tell her how many cars I've stacked up! This happens most days.

Coffee has also been a significant routine over the last couple of weeks. L checks in, the nurse tells us which machine to go to, we head in the opposite direction, she tells us we're not going the right way, we tell her we're getting a coffee, she nods, we get a coffee, we go the right way, we take a seat in the waiting area and we have a good old giggly natter. This happens most days.

Our days have blurred somewhat over the last few weeks with a distinct feeling of being frozen in time. However, one more coffee day signifies the end of the freeze as radiotherapy for L ends.

Great news indeed but, we have decided, a tiny bit sad for the coffee routine! So, we have a plan... MMCs.

Weekly Magical Mystery Coffees will commence after regular hospital trips are over. One of us will decide a place for coffee and the other is taken on the mystery trip. The coffee doesn't have to be purchased.

Unusual is good so any ideas are welcome!

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