Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy


or, A Day in the Life of kagsy.

A simple 2 minute job making a submission to HMRC went horribly wrong. It seems my data is corrupted - I can pay Sage £300 to fix it overnight, I can wait 5 working days for them to fix it for free (whilst running up a fine with HMRC) or I can re-input a full month's work. I picked the middle one, and have my fingers crossed that I get it all back in time to pay people next week. That 2 minute job took 4 hours.

Then I finally got hold of the IT chap at the office, who was going to set my work email up for me - turns out (after a lot of searching and 2 trips into the loft - never been up there before, can't believe all the cr*p that is hoarded there) I do not have Outlook on my laptop - bloody Microsoft charge an extra £109 for it (I hate Microsoft - forced to use a Windows pc for work as Sage isn't Mac compatible - grrr)- another hour gone.

I took my frustrations out on the hoovering - everywhere was spick and span then David came in and gave the dog a sausage roll....

Finally, the loo seat fell off rather spectacularly as I sat down. So not only should I not go near computers today, I also should not go near anything with a moving part.

I blame it on the taxman.

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