Another Year Older

What a lovely birthday I'm having today!

I started the day with a swim and then had a free breakfast curtesy of the Marriott. They had promised members a coffee morning on the last Wednesday of the month and today they forgot! Well Paula wasn't going to let them get away with it, so she asked for Darren and he apologised and sorted a free breakfast for us.

Pat, Carole, Ellen and I went to Damson at Media City for lunch. It is on the first floor so we had a great view over the plaza. The food was lovely and went down very well with a couple of glasses of prosecco. What lovely friends I have, I got a book token (I have my eye on some photography books), tulips (my favourite flowers), a framed set of children's TV stamps (to add to my Mr Benn collection), a scarf (that combines animal print and favourites), a badge (saying Future Author) and some beeleeboppers.

My sister has bought me a tour of the BBC so there will be photos of that when I go on it, I'm looking forward to that. I have to say though, that the ode that Ellen 'Wordworth' C penned for me is something to treasure ha ha ha ha ......

She is definitely NOT FIFTY
But she is very nifty
Taking photos every day
Blipping here, blipping away
Writing poems and stories
And as she NEARLY leaves her forties
Let's raise a glass of sparkling wine
To a sparkling lady of 49

It made me chortle lol.

Well, I need to carry on sparkling so I will open a bottle of bubbly that I just happen have in the fridge.

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