Bits and Bobs!

By Kate64

Bus Challenge No 14!

Into Bristol today to visit the Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery. The museum houses a wide range of exhibits as well as the city's art collection.

At the moment, the main draw to the museum is the controversial Banksy's Mobile Lovers:

"An image of this street art work was posted on Banksy’s website on 14 April 2014. Fans of the Bristol born street artist’s work scoured the streets of the city to try and find where it had been painted. It was discovered on a wall in Clement Street, Bristol the following day.

Staff from the nearby Broad Plain Boys Club removed the work safely from the wall and took it into the Club. Following intense media interest the Club has passed the artwork to Bristol Museum and Art Gallery for safe-keeping whilst its future is discussed." Bristol City Council

The hot debate as to who owns this artwork continues....

Total bus journey times = 1 hour 15 mins

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