Red and Grey ... or Grey and Red

Willemstad as hubby and I saw it today. Always enjoy it when we go out together, regardless of the arguments that precede the outing, if any ... hahaha! You've no idea ...

But it was a cozy afternoon. The Dutch have a word for it, which dear Barack learned when he was here a month ago ... 'gezellig', which means 'cozy', either 'cozy alone' or 'cozy together', with or without loud music in the bar, the idea being that you can be just as cozy all by yourself as with (loud) company. I'd already done the castle bit 3 or 4 weekends running, and even thought about Belgium, but the weather def squashed that possibility. Hubby finds Willemstad 'gezellig' and so off we went. No rain and not too chilly, so that meant a more than reasonable afternoon. Can you believe we even ate out? My May break seems to be 'coming along fine', morning and afternoon and evening sickness and all.

It's been decided all by my 'gezellig' self that I'll begin my Gabriel Garcia Marquez 5-book self-instructive marathon this evening.

Before I forget again, btw ... THANK YOU ALL for launching my timepiece into the spotlight at the time. I still can't believe it.

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