Young Winnie

One Street: Market Square, Shipley #135

It's not often I struggle with words but it has been a struggle tonight - just trying to find a way to respond appropriately to your wonderful messages of congratulation. I think I've said it before but it feels like you are talking about someone else entirely. We all embody contradictions and one of by biggest concerns praise. I'm somebody who needs it, I think, as an affirmation, but I'm uncomfortable with it at the same time. I don't really understand where that comes from but I'm always looking to deflect it when it comes my way. I'm not sure I've ever fully recognised that as much as I have today. Something I perhaps need to work on.

So let me just say a simple thank you ... for continuing to inspire me to get out with the camera and take the photographs I do. And also for your incredibly clever wit. Your comments are so inventive. On what has been another very long and tedious day in the office you've put many a smile on my face. What an incredible community this is.

I popped into Market Square at lunchtime and ended up being out for much longer than intended. I first met Winnie here just over a year ago when I took one of my very favourite street shots (here) and I've been hoping to bump into her again ever since. She was with her elder sister Vera at the bus stop (I got the ages the wrong way around before) and I was pretty sure I recognised them both from before. But they didn't remember me at all. I was a little sad that they had no recollection of my flirting with them but it did mean that I could use the same lines all over again! On the last occasion I was keen to take a portrait of Winnie but she declined to let me. She said she hated having her photograph taken. This time she had no such objection. I'm sure that's simply down to the confidence I've built in the last year.

Winnie and Vera are the two remaining sisters out of six, from a family of eight. They have a surviving younger brother too, who lives down south. They spoke very fondly of their parents. They had a little trouble working out their ages, bless them, but in the end decided that Vera had just turned 90 and Winnie was a mere 88. They both remain very young in spirit and that's what really matters. They had a real presence. Especially Winnie. She's a star!

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