
By dieseldaisy

the long way round

Yesterday we cycled round an island. Much as I would like to portray our family as adventurous ourdoors types who like nothing better than toiling up a 3 in 1 I would be lying. I can assure you that the sounds of moaning and groaning could be heard in Edinburgh. Poor W, not only did I make them cycle 13 miles but I then made them stop and walk down to a broch! The walk back up those three steep fields was the longest in W's life. Too old to carry I had to watch him trudge (and sometimes crawl for tragic effect) up under his own steam. In retrospect of course they had a lovely time but I am not sure that they will get on the ferry next time. Perhaps a tour of anglo-saxon churches would suit them better....

Many thanks to D for a very restorative refreshment stop.

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