
There are some really remarkable cars around. For example, take my route back to the flat: it takes me along Eaton Place and West Eaton Place (part of Belgravia I think). It's got to be the only place where the on-street parking is filled with Ferrari, Rolls Royce, Lamborghini, ... nothing below £100k. I've not scratched anything yet.

Turning right into West Eaton Place today I passed a most remarkable looking woman driving an old Jag and smoking a huge cigar. Unfortunately not fast enough to get a picture.

This car, however, is remarkable for it's dilapidated condition. A classic 70s pickup truc. It looks like it was imported from the US (left hand drive and all) and has been slowly rotting ever since. No gun rack in the back.

Better to see the paint bubbling over the rust.

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