SAH on Blipfoto

By sahfotoblip

Out cycling...

A friend dragged me out from the midsts of a very stressful and tearful couple of days. Between an assignment for the Open University that was a right bothersome to complete, software that would work which made answering Cladistics questions difficult, to getting my head around complicated Allometry maths, it wasn't the start to the OU I had wanted. None of it was beyond me but I've been having to deal with another situation on top which has been going on a while and it all came to a head the last couple of weeks and this week in particular.

I've learned an important lesson about trust... Who you can and cannot trust inevitably. The hurt that goes with that and nastiness that some people can lower themselves to is beyond belief.

I've made myself unavailable for work (the beauty of supply) this week to have some me time and admittedly a duvet day in there too. However I do find solace in riding my bike and running. I just need to do more of it.

On the plus point I had my 3rd weigh in last night for weight watchers and I've lost 7lbs in the 3 weeks I've been doing it. I also have a job interview next week for a full time job!!!

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