There and back again

By Mikes

Down a Devon Lane

Lamberts Castle was wet and misty this morning with not a lot to warrant a photo but as I drove home blip less I was taken by the fresh green foliage of the trees and hedgerows with even a hint of blue along the top of the hedge. Stop, camera out and blip solved. magic!!.

Just to try me, I am having fun and games with bt at the moment, who have forced me to have a new YouView box. The said item (free) arrived with a faulty handset so we were unable to set it up. A quick call to Bombay and a new handset was ordered. This morning the said handset arrived only to find it was the wrong one for my Box !

As I girded my loins to make another call to Bombay and explain this to them, my
telephone rang and it was (believe it or not) a man from bt ringing to thank me for renewing my contract with them and making sure I was happy with my new machine!. My first thoughts were that this was one of the family winding me up but I soon realized that this was genuine. I think "caught me at the wrong time" sprang to mind and I bent his ear for some time telling him of what I thought of his machine. There was dead silence at the other end and it was obvious my reply did not fit the script he was using. After asking me to hold when I could hear laughing in the background, I was passed "as I knew I would" back to India where me and a lovely Indian chap tried to understand each other and finally agree that I had been sent a wrong handset. I should get a new one in the post tomorrow!
I didn't want a new box in the first place.

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