Cold May Day

The first day of May and it is so cold. We went out onto Orton Scar to look for Wheatears, but they obviously thought it was too cold for playing out. So, a view across the Limestone Pavement towards the fells. Low cloud with just a little light peeping through.

The limestone pavement round here is one of the most extensive in the country, but until recently a lot of the limestone was removed for the rock garden, building and landscaping markets. All of this area is now protected by Limestone Pavement Orders, which make extraction or damage a criminal offence.

We didn’t stay out long – it was a bitter wind.

Thank you so much for all the comments, stars and hearts given out yesterday for my 730th blip. I was astonished and delighted with the response. My sheepfold sat on top of the Spotlight for such a long time. Yes, I did keep looking!

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